Video Panduan eBay

Monday, December 28, 2009

50 vs 1..Kenapa Begitu ???

Duit seringgit telah bertemu dengan
lima puluh ringgit dan bertanya:
"Woit,lama tak nampak, mana ko
Lima puluh menjawab " Aku dah pergi
merata tempat. Pergi stadium tgk bola,
Naik STAR Cruise, gi KK naik AirAsia,
lepak One Utama, konsert AF, M'sian
Idol..tempat2 cam tuh lah. Eh, ko pe cite

Duit seringit menjawab perlahan
seraya menunduk, "Hmm..biasa lah..

Balik-balik tempat sama.. surau,
masjid, surau... ".

Sama-sama kite renungkan yg tersirat dan tersurat..


Looking for the solution to unlock your memory card??

Somethings important on that card?? photo, contact and etc..
here are some technique that might help you to get back the password. There is a much simple and easy way to solve it.

You need a file explorer like FExplorer

How to Unlock MMC card:

Method 1:
  1. Insert card into your phone but don’t access it through phone.
  2. Run FExplorer and Open the path C:\system.
  3. You will find a file called mmcstore ,then rename the file mmcstore.txt
  4. Copy that file (mmcstore.txt) to your pc and open that file in notepad.
  5. You will find your password in that file.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

You belong to a racist party: Dr M to Nazri

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who helmed Umno for 22 years, has lambasted Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz for being a member of that racist party.

mahathir cyberjaya lecture 220409 q&a sessionThe former premier is peeved with Nazri for describing the 84-year-old politician as a racist over his stand with regards to the National Civics Bureau (BTN) issue.

Among others, the minister had accused Mahathir of singing a different tune when in power, and now after his retirement.

"You must remember that during his time when he was the prime minister, he was talking about how we must all think as Malaysians... now that he's not (the) prime minister, you read his blog, it's bloody racist," he had said.

When prodded for a response at a function this afternoon, Mahathir, who is still an Umno member, fired: "I must be a racist if Nazri says I am racist. Don't ever say that I am not. He knows everything. He belongs to a party which is racist... which is Umno."

"Umno is a party perkauman and is meant only for Malays and nobody (else) can join. So he (Nazri) is in a racist party but says he is against racism. So he should resign from the party," he added.

Despite an ongoing furore that the BTN training modules promoted a racist agenda, Mahathir had said on Sunday that the bureau's curriculum had helped foster unity as the courses were attended by Malaysians of all races.

'That is the most stupidest statement'

In an immediate reaction, Nazri was far from apologetic for having trampled on the octogenarian's toes.

"That is the most stupidest statement that I have heard in my life," he told reporters in Parliament. "It only confirms what I said was right."

Stressing that Barisan Nasional constituted the bigger picture, Nazri said he had no role in setting the agenda for Umno during its formation.

The minister said that he joined the ruling party because he wanted to serve the government and the people.

gobind suspended from parliament 160309 nazri"When you want to talk about forming the party, he (Mahathir) was involved in forming the party. That is not my problem, that's his problem. I only joined the system as it is," he added.

Continuing the tirade, the minister said: "If Umno is a racist party, he was president of a racist party, so he is a racistlah. The argument does not make him less of a racist."

Asked about some of the mainstream media 'blacking out' his criticisms against Mahathir, Nazri said he is in the dark as to why this happened but is not perturbed by it.

"If Mahathir could make criticisms against the government then he is not immune to criticisms from members of the government," he added.

This is not the first time that Mahathir and Nazri have crossed swords.

During the tenure of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Nazri had repeatedly attacked Mahathir when the former premier declared war on his successor.

Credit to-malaysiakini-

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is it true??

Boob-staring good for men ( The Star 4th Dec 2009)

Both Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that a German research published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that men ogling at breasts for 10 minutes a day was equivalent to a 30-minute gym workout.Results showed that men who liked to stare at women’s breasts have lower blood pressure, suffer less cardiovascular disease and have slower heart beat.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Modding firmware For SE k850i

Modding firmware

Tutorial: How to Flash K850i Firmware?

u need three files,
1.firmware(the extension file should be .mbn)
2.Regions and languages (the extension file should be.fs)
3.the custom files>> this also required

all that files u can download from here

for firmware, u need to register at that forum,
just a few step and free,so u can register there..

2.K850_R1FA035_FS_APAC-ANZ_RED52 >> this is for asia pasific region
3.custom pack >> download from here

u should go for generic apac

this one also can..

for custom pack, u need to:
using FileSystem tool, and copying the files in the zip (or just Customize.xml) to \TPA\PRESET\CUSTOM\

*Warning: Do it on your own risk. I shall not take any responsible if any damage is done to your phone

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Forgot Security Code For Nokia User

i wanna share the solution for those forgot their Security Code for nokia user ..It might be interesting if u do by urself rather than u just pay to the shop for the simple things.. U might need a few sofware that unable to unlock or reset the code..

Tools Required :

• Nemesis Service suite (NSS)
• Nokia PC Suite
• Data cable

Steps :

1. Connect your phone in PC Suite mode
2. Open Nemesis Service suite (NSS)
3. Then click on scan for new devices button (top right hand side)
4. Click on phone info button.
5. Now Click on Scan.
6. Select Permanent Memory.
7. Click on Read.

8. It will read the permanent memory file and save it on the disk at following path.
C:\Program Files\NSS\Backup\pm\.pm

9. Open the .pm file using Notepad.
10. Now scroll until field [308], and on the 5th Record (5=) your security code is saved at there.
11. Like 5=31313131310000000000
12. Remove all “3” digit and it will be 31313131310000000000
13. 11111 is your security code.
14. Done!!

hopefully u enjoy it.. (^_^)


Friday, April 24, 2009

:: BeLieVe It Or Not !!!!::

Last nite,I got this pictures from email and i was so confuse and make me think widely with what happen in that picture. Monk and islamic congregation pray togethers. Actually it's look a lil bit weird to me about that situation. Sebagai umat Islam mesti sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap manusia lain. Kerana segala ape yang kita fikirkan itu akan kembali jugak dekat diri kita sendiri..Jadi sama-samalah kite fikirkan.. Pada aku mungkin tujuan utama Sami tu nak mempelajari agama Islam dengan lebih mendalam. Jadi kita doakanla semoga Sami tu di berikan hidayah..Amin..

kalau ade sesiapa da info kes sami dan jemaah islam ni sembahyang sekali boleyla post komen anda kt sini.. Sharing is Caring

Thursday, April 23, 2009

:: Modding Theme for Ur SE Phone ::

Allops , it has been a long time for me to update my blog. But today i got something interesting to share about my Sony Ericsson stuff. This one, I did it when i was really boring and I don't have anything else to do. It is all about Flash menu theme. I already used it on my SE k850 and its looks great. So check it out what you need to do and prepare

Flash menus

Firstly, the important things is you need to read the whole text when you're doing this for the first time. Or you will end up with icon error on your menu.


To use a Flash menu on your phone you have to "hack into" it's FS (File System) which is not normally accessible to an end-user. For that you will need a tool called a2uploader. Flash menus are Flash Lite 2.0 animations programmed to behave as menus. These are SWF files. Once the menu is on the phone you will have to slightly modify a theme so that it loads that menu when applied on the phone. To do that you will have to use Sony Ericsson Themes Creator. At last you will copy that theme and set it on your phone. Before we begin you have to know a few things.


The main problem that appears with flash menus is branding. One of them is flash menus - disabled. You can easily see if your phone would support flash menus. All phones supported on this web page should have at least one flash menu preinstalled. So try all original themes to see if a flash menu appears. If not, you need to debrand your phone. That means your phone's memory will be completely erased and flashed with a generic Sony Ericsson firmware. Backups advised!


You can get this software from the internet with free download. It don't need installation at all, just unpack and launch it, and it will be ready to use.
Since it "hacks" into the phone your antivirus will most likely block the application. My suggestion is to use Kaspersky Internet Security, it will warn you about the program but won't block it, unless you want so. I'm using a2uploader since it came out and I can assure you there is no virus.

Now, let's start. This process is divided into 2 parts so it would be easier for newbies, once you learn it, all will go really fast. It takes me about 2 minutes to apply a new flash menu on my phone.

Part 1 - Flashing the menu to your phone

1. Launch a2uploader.exe and the interface like one in the image above should appear.Do not launch the program from within the zip archive! If you receive an error when trying to launch the application that means your antivirus disabled it. For support please refer to the forum where the application was published.

2. Click "FileSystem tool" button
3. Turn your phone off, remove the battery and put it back in
4. Hold the "c" key and connect your phone to PC via the USB cable (It usually takes up to 15 seconds for the connection to be established. If there is no response from your PC there might be a problem with your phone-with-cable connection so check the metal contacts.)If a driver installation starts, and fails, of course, you have to install Sony Ericsson Update Service and use it at least once so it will install the latest flash drivers for your phone.

5. Once connected the a2uploader interface will look like this:

6. Navigate by double clicking: /tpa/preset/system/desktop/flash

7. Add a new menu by dragging and dropping it in the a2uploader.

Once the uploading to phone is finished you must click "Shutdown FS manager" button. After that close the program, unplug your phone, and power it up. Good Luck !!

Example of the menu that im using it:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

:: A List U Should Have ::

Normally, I will format my computer once I want to concentrate on jobs that I want to do. This is like to have a fresh copy of windows and removing unnecessary software at the same time i want boost up my pc performance. But most of the time, I will install the software that usable to me like A2uploader and theme creator that introduce in some website. So now, I've decided to write here a list of program that must be install on whatever new Windows installation for my pc. Maybe for you too.

01.WinRAR -

02.Notepad++ -

03.CCleaner -

04.K-Lite Mega Codec

05.Yahoo Messenger -

06.Avira Antivirus

07.Acrobat Reader -

:: Trick to Increase your Phone Memory ::

Here is a trick to free up your N-series phone memory C: by 5MB...

1. Hack your phone..Disable Plat security by Caps Off
2. Go to C:/private/102072c4 folder You will find a file named "reserved " of size 4.76MB
3. Delete it (Do not hesitate)
4. Congrats you've recovered ~5MB memory
5. Caps On

why we Kicking this file out?

This reserved file is for FOTA (firmware over the air), and we wont need it as we never get any FOTA updates.
It does eventually come back at times..most probably when you use the Device mgr. So at those times u can delete it again...
Deleting this file will not affect your phone...I tested and using my N95 8gb without any prob..

If you Wish, make a backup of the file in your Memory Card.
Please try this on other Phone models and reply here.It might help others to know whether it working or not..

Note: For Any Loss Or Damage To ur Phone i shall not be responsible.....But This Trick is SAFE

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

::What Do U Think Of iT::

Kesenian Dan Keindahan Khat

Calligraphy is the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner


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